Concours d' Elegance

Concours d' Elegance

Cars, Men’s and Women’s Fashion, Jewelry, Wine Tasting, Fine Art, Hand Rolled Cigars, Gourmet Food and Music made up the core of the 2019 event. 60 + of the finest cars from Talis Park residents spaned the area between the famed Great Lawn and the Courtyard, including an exquisite collection of McLaren Automobiles.

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NWWF 2019 'Blowing In Across the Sea'

Naples Winter Wine Festival 2019 'Joy to the World''Blowing in Across The Sea' Vintner DinnerHosted by: Sharon and Chuck Hallberg with Susie and David McCurryVintners: Daphne & Bart Araujo of Accendo Cellars in Napa CAChef: Cassidee Dabney of The Barn at Blackberry Farm in Walland TNPlanner: Luis OteroService by: NicheFloral by: The Garden District