Bernard Carmouche|Muddy Waters

I was hired by Rock Shrimp Productions, to shoot Chef Bernard Carmouche for their show; Beat Bobby Flay to air on The Food Network. These "bio pack's" are still images shot in fast succession to be utilized as video. The intention is to showcase the chef in his 'natural habitat' ;-) And I was lucky enough that Chef Bernard Carmouche is one of the Chef/Owners of Muddy Waters on the banks of Lake Eola in Orlando Florida. I spent my first three years as a "Floridian" in Orlando and was excited to get back. The City is beautiful in a whole new way, and was really welcoming to us.  These are the images taken in Muddy Waters, Orlando Florida. (Assisted by: Andrew Budz)*These photos are the Copyright of Rock Shrimp Productions and may not be shared or reproduced without the express written consent of Rock Shrimp Productions, Beat Bobby Flay, and The Food Network*BernardMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0264TunaTartareMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0165SnapperCrudoMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0109ShuckingOystersMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0349OysterPoBoyDeconstructedMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0238CatfishtoppedwithcrayfishetoufeeMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0189ChicaronCrustedSalmonChorizosuccotashMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0129CatfishCrayfishSauceMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0215ChicaronCrustedSalmonChirizoSuccotashMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0154BernardCarmoucheMuddyWatersOrlandoNicoleNixon-0524*These photos are the Copyright of Rock Shrimp Productions and may not be shared or reproduced without the express written consent of Rock Shrimp Productions, Beat Bobby Flay, and The Food Network*